Thursday, July 1, 2010


I am a very proud woman.

I am proud of two "things" in particular:
  • Heath
  • Austin
These are my sons and they are amazing young men.

In a life full of mistakes, missteps and missed opportunities, they are none of these things. There is nothing they could ever do that would make me love them any less or any more. I love them for just being who they are.

My "boys" are kind, empathetic, caring, strong, opinionated, courageous and talented to list just a few of their admirable qualities.

At 15 and 16 they still give me hugs and kisses and tell me they love me daily. They get on each other's nerves, but are each other's best friend. There is no one in this world that make the other laugh as hard, and no one that will defend their brother more.

They are similar in many ways, but different in so many more.

They look so incredibly opposite at times, but some people can't tell them apart. Two sides to the same coin.

I have so enjoyed watching them develop into the people they are, and look forward to spending the rest of my days experiencing life through their eyes.

I can spin these wonderful lines about my beautiful children, it isn't hard at all.

Now to take these words and bring them back around to the self-love that I deserve.
There is nothing I could ever do that would make me love myself any less or any more. I love who I am for just being me.

I am kind, empathetic, caring, strong, opinionated, courageous and talented to list just a few of my admirable qualities.

I still give hugs and kisses and tell them I love them daily. Now to do that to my inner child, because she deserves it too.

I pray that I can continue to show my boys and myself how much we are all loved.


  1. What a beautiful piece Rachel! All of you the Humphreys are a great family, inside and outside! It does not surprise me that such a beautifully written piece would arise from you.
    I confirm that your boys are well raised, amazing boys! And you are amazing as well! Thanks for writing this. Sometimes we go through life seeking the greatest achievement, and sometimes our greatest achievements are right before our eyes.

  2. Thank you, I really wanted to take the purest love that I felt for my boys and bring it back around to myself. We all deserve love, and it starts with self-love. God has no desire for me to hate myself, and to chastise myself for every little mistake. I am loved just the way I am!
